Better The World

More Addictive Than Tetris?

I read an article in the Guardian’s technology section about a game for the iPhone called Drop7. Now I don’t own an iPhone (nor do I want to) but the reporter said it is one of the most addictive games he has played since Tetris. I managed to find the original version that the Drop7 game is based upon and it is addictive.

It’s a little hard to explain. Basically you have to drop balls from the top of the screen to the bottom to make rows and columns. The idea is to drop that ball into a row or on to a column so that you get a straight line (not diagonal) that is made from the number of balls on at least one of the balls in that row/column. So say you have three balls side by side with the number 3, 7 and 4. If you were to then drop another ball next to them it would make it four balls in a row which would make the 4 ball disappear and get you points. If the ball you dropped was also a four then both 4 balls would disappear. Occasionally you also get rocks that drop with no number but these are removed by cracking them open. You achieve this by making them part of a row of balls that is included in the number of balls to make a ball disappear.

Like I said hard to explain but damn easy to play and even easier to understand once you are playing.

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