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  • Lindsay: Thanks for the list! I knew about some of these but not all....
  • vijaypal singh parihar: thanks ,my computer is working again. your trick is wonderfu...
  • Carbonize: Dribble seems to be all that's on TV these days particularly...
  • Jim: Couldn't agree with you more! In fact, my wife and I listen...
  • Carlos Polenus: Worked very well. Thanks a lot!

Albums A Dying Art Form?

A puppy listening to musicI just read an article on MP3 and it got me thinking, When was the last time I sat down and actually listened to an album from start to finish? Ask yourself when was the last time you sat down and listened to an album in it’s entirety? Due to how easy it is now to get hold of a single track via things like iTunes and Amazon few people even buy albums, they just buy whatever single caught their attention on the radio. The other problem here is people don’t take time out these days neither. Suggest to a person that they just sit down and listen to music for an hour and they’ll tell you they don’t have the time and yet they are happy to sit in front of the TV watching mind numbing nothingness for hour after hour. Years ago I would occasionally just put an album on, turn the volume up and lose myself in the music.

So I say either dig out your favourite album, or get hold of an album by your favourite artist, put it on, turn the lights down, get comfy and listen to it from start to finish. You might be surprised by some of the tracks that your favourite artist recorded but didn’t release due to them not being commercial enough.

Oh and don’t forget to use headphones if you don’t live alone or have really thin walls ;)

5 comments to Albums A Dying Art Form?

  • Marcel de Groot

    I still mostly listen to (and buy) albums

  • devsky

    i listen to albums made by “musicians” (ie. bands). i usually cant stand listening to albums by “singers”.

  • Depends mostly on what genre of music you listen to… Like for example, if you listen to pop music, you’re likely to listen only the chartbusters, even of your favorite artist, and tend to ignore the rest… Their albums are mere compilations of songs they wrote within the timeframe they had been given by their producers or record labels, the songs are very often unrelated to the rest, and the album name is generally the name of the artist, or one of its songs, generally the lead or the best song…

    on the other hand, rock, or my personal favorite, punk, albums are songs which reflect similar feelings, or angst… They’re all similarly themed, have, in some way or the other, related music… And the album names reflect that theme of the album… Ad you listen to all of them, coz all of them sound equally awesome, if even any one of them appeals to you… And you do listen to the entire album, top to finish… :)

  • Jim

    Couldn’t agree with you more! In fact, my wife and I listened to some fantasic albums (along with a few glasses of wine) just last night. Got no time for the I.Q.-lowering dribble on the TV.

    • Carbonize

      Dribble seems to be all that’s on TV these days particularly towards Christmas. Here in the UK we currently have Celebrity Strictly Come Dancing, I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here and X-Factor. All made up of either attetion seeking wannabes or has beens desperately trying to get some publicity for whatever their next project is.

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