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1.37 o- Just a major code clean up. 1.36 o- Fixed some bad coding I noticed while converting to Delphi. o- Now you can only have one instance of YahSEek running at any time. o- Fixed resize bug that locked options open if minimised while open. o- Hopefully fixed error that stopped some people using news. 1.35 o- Removed the /url=sa from the start of some google results. 1.34 o- Removed easter egg. o- Made YahSEek less memory intensive. o- Fixed translations after they changed servers. o- Added /ex uptime to display how long your pc has been running. o- Can now pm uptime and spam. o- /ex ver to emit your current YahSEek build to the screen. 1.33 o- Added currency conversion. /ex conv 'to'-'from' 'amount' o- Also added /ex currencies for a list of all available currencies. o- Usual code clean up. 1.32 o- Added some colour to the help files. o- Fixed 'Runtime 13' error. o- Added links to help menu (look up). o- Removed Advice command as it was crap really. o- Easter Egg is switched off by default. 1.31 o- Added green to font colours. o- Translator occasionally returned empty strings. Fixed (hopefully). o- Added an Easter Egg 1.30 o- Changed help. o- Changed gui. o- Changed site used for acronyms. (see http://yahseek.carbonize.co.uk/acronym.txt for details) o- Added Translator. Use /ex trans 'language' 'text'. (see help for more details). 1.29 o- Added disclaimer, you will only see it once if you agree to it. o- You can now search for a particular news item using /ex news 'text'. o- Added 'Your search for ...." to the first post of g3. 1.28 o- When minimised to systray you can now right click to pop up a menu or double click to open YahSEek. o- Stopped tags showing up in Dictionary definitions. o- You can now display 1, 3, or 5 results from Google searches. 1 result gives you all the information for the first result. 3 gives you the headers and URLs for the first 3 results. 5 gives you just the URLs for the first 5 results. o- Overhauled Google parsing, less errors now. o- Fixed error that cut some Confucious sayings short. 1.27 o- Fixed the Google bug that was causing parsing errors. o- Changed news to just display headline and url. o- Cleaned up the code. 1.26 o- Changed the gui. o- Added surreal advice (/ex advice). o- Added Abuse (/ex abuse [name]) name being optional. 1.25 o- Fixed parsing bug in acronyms. o- Fixed error in on screen help. 1.24 o- Changed gui slightly. o- Added acronym lookup, us /ex a 'acronym'. 1.23 o- Fixed double space bug in jokes. 1.22 o- Added HTML tag stripping to all commands. o- Added bug report button help screen to send email. o- Options are now only saved if you click save. 1.21 o- Made YahSEek report all winsock errors to the user for bug reports. o- Made split onliners actually appear split. 1.20 o- Fixed typo which meant YahSEek wasn't saving your minimise choice. 1.19 o- Cleaned up code for jokes and quotes. 1.18 o- Added the ability to PM reults to a specified user. Pre 1.18 o- Too much for me to remember.