Change WiFi Identity/Hostname on Android

Android with attitudeJust a quick one about how to change the hostname of your Android device. By hostname I mean the name it identifies itself with when connecting to WiFi networks. The default name is usually something like android-dfac61527a005982 which is far from helpful. Stupid thing is iOS has let people set this since iOS 4.

Anyway on to the instructions. You will require Root access on your device and some way of opening and editing the build.prop file. I personally used ES File Explorer. Just remember to set system directory to RW. Now you need to go to the system directory of your phone. In ES this just means pressing the / at the top of the file list. Now open the system folder/directory  and scroll down to the build.prop file. Click on this and open it in a text editor and choose to edit it. Now add the following line to the end of the file


Save the file, reboot your phone and you’re done.

I got the instructions from a post by a user called portscan here.

If you prefer to use adb then you can find instructions here.

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