Stupid Gmail Bug

There is an annoying bug/oversight in Googles Gmail that is starting to get on my tits. It does not honour the reply-to header in emails. Bascially an email has a From header which shows which address it has been sent from and this would usually be where the email is sent to when you hit reply. But you can also include a header called reply-to which the receivers email client should use when the reply button/link is clicked. My forum script, SMF, uses this method so that emails sent via the forum all come from my email address and the email address of the sender is put in to the reply-to header so if you hit reply it will send the email to them. Why Gmail does not support this I don’t know and I informed them about it about 2 months ago now if not longer.

  1. You would think they would have licked the fundamentals of mail by now

  2. I also experience very difficulties using gmail, even very difficult to change languge for gmail.

  3. Damion Hankejh

    I’ve been using Gmail heavily for the past month – having altogether jettisoned MS Outlook (largely to improve upon Apple Mail on iPhone, which is Crap). I can report that reply-to still hasn’t been fixed* as of today. Bastards.

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