Date: January 27th 2008


I'm finally releasing Lazarus 1.8. It's been a while but given that we've just been through Christmas and the like I'm sure you can appreciate I had more than enough occupying my mind. Anyway here is the change log

Changelog for 1.8
Fixed - Error message when performing a search that just contained spaces/quotes
Fixed - Some YouTube urls were not being converted correctly
Fixed - Javascript now not required for deleting in Easy Admin
Fixed - FLASH AGCode now respects your maximum image size if set
Fixed - Some label tags in General Settings not closed
Fixed - Display order of entries being reversed on some servers

Changed - Some of the security patches
Changed - Lazarus version number now stored in database
Changed - General Settings now hides/shows options using javascript
Changed - How MySQL connection works in attempt to fix MySQL 5 bug
Changed - You can now replace censored words on saving or on displaying
Changed - Internal HTML code now outputs XHTML tags
Changed - Site used to resolve IP addresses
Changed - Some browser icons to look better on dark pages
Changed - Notification email for comments to show other comments

Added - Can now display the date as Today and Yesterday if appropriate
Added - Some error checking to captcha.php
Added - Can block posts containg to many URLs
Added - Comment count when hide comments is selected
Added - You can now add your own fonts to the font file for CAPTCHA to use
Added - New language lines for use with the Smart Time option
Added - Can now choose to moderate posts containing censored words

And you can download either the full package or just the update files from

And remember Lazarus is free but we do have to pay server costs. So we are sponsor and donation driven. If an advert catches your eye then go ahead and click on it. You have nothing to lose.



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