What is YahSEek?

YahSEek is one of the first programs to utilise the extensions feature of YahELite to bring you Google searches, Dictionary definitions, Acronyms, Jokes, Insults, Famous Quotes, and more.

But what is YahELite?

YahELite is an unofficial, free, highly efficient and comfortable anti-SPAM chat client for Yahoo! that filters out spam bots, clone bots, abusive PMs, flood text, repeated postings and other forms of spam. It also protects you from 'boot codes', 'sound bombs' and other mischief.

Current public release =
YahSEek downloads to date = 77403


YahELite and the three sun logo are used with the permission of David Binette.
All work copyright of Carbonize.co.uk unless otherwise stated